Preprint / Version 1

The Electronic Word-of-Mouth (EWOM) Influence Consumers Hotel Booking Intention in Hainan, China


  • Tian Yuyu INTI International University


EWOM, Booking Intention, Positive EWOM, Negative EWOM, Perceived EWOM Credibility, EWOM User’s Expertise, EWOM User’s Involvement


Due to the development of information communication technology (ICT), electronic word-of-mouth (EWOM) is becoming more popular than traditional word-of-mouth(WOM) which is played an important role in affecting the consumers behaviour of
the buyers (Laroche, 2005). According to Bullbul (2014) indicated that 74% of consumers’ product perceptions are affected by EWOM. The objective of this research is to investigate EWOM influence consumers hotel booking intention through five factors
which are positive and negative EWOM, perceived EWOM credibility, EWOM user’s expertise and EWOM user’s involvement. The study has already proved EWOM are rather convincing than advertising in transferring positive or negative information, while
EWOM have been set as one of the most relevant and important strategy to promote hotel’s products. This research contribute to the hotel operators ensures the effective promotion strategy and obtains more sales volume and more profitable that reflect the
understanding of the Eastern context, particularly Hainan in China.

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