Preprint / Version 1





E-transformation is beyond being just strategy or business re-engineering or using information technology as a platform to transform the business. In the Private sector, many organizations are adopting e-transformation as a step towards development but long-term transformation sustainability is a concern that is yet be focused on. Many authors have looked into the business process external factors for e-transformation and use of ICT and about the deep structural capability changes in the economy and society that accompany business process use and diffusion. They were not explicit about e-transformation involving several key internal interdependent elements such as technology infrastructure, Transformation leadership and Organizational structure. These internal elements tend to changes, and it’s not always possible to drive the organizations commitment towards e-transformation and sustaining over a long period. Considering the change even though considerable research had been conducted into particular aspects of e-transformation solutions, researchers remain unsure about many internal organization dynamics issues contributing towards the success of e-transformation sustainability. In relation, scholars and practitioners have identified continuous learning in an organization as important factors that influence the development of e-transformation.

The aim of this study is to determine the relationship between the internal organization transformation dynamics mediated by learning in the organization. Previous studies have linked segments of internal dynamics to learning in the organization with the exclusion of e-transformation and internal and external factors with e-transformation excluding learning in the organization, also perceiving e-transformation towards acceptance rather than sustainability. This research proposes hypotheses to understand the impact and relationship between internal organization transformation dynamics and its effect on the e-transformation sustainability and the mediating effect of learning within the organization. This research uses a causal and descriptive model research design. A validated questionnaire tested for reliability via piolet was distributed to transformational individuals (n = 1322). Data was collected from the private sector organization in the Malaysian context from the transformational individuals involved in the e-transformation of the organization being the unit of analysis for the research. 

Findings showed that the e-transformation sustainability at the different types of organization was high, also internal organization transformation dynamics does contribute towards e-transformation sustainability. The relationship of learning in the organization with e-transformation showed a moderate relationship, while technology infrastructure, transformational leadership and organization culture with e-transformation sustainability showed moderate, acceptable and weak relationship respectively. Further analysis on learning in the organization and e-transformation sustainability showed both models as being acceptable. Learning in the organization mediation between the internal organization transformation dynamics and e-transformation sustainability was partial. Finally, key fit indices indicated acceptable model fit among the major variables.

This research is significant to the organization transformation field involving technology for several reasons. Firstly, to encourage technological understanding and Organization cultural opportunities, workshops or e-transformation activities must be organized by the transformational leaders for sharing tacit and explicit knowledge for not only sharing tacit and explicit knowledge not only on e-transformation acceptance but also focusing towards sustainability at the stage of adoption, on a regular basis, linked to e-transformation. Secondly, depending on the type and scope of organization, having setup up priorities and monitoring system that synchronizes with the internal dynamics must be developed and implemented to ensure effectiveness of the transformation dynamics in contributing to learning in the organization as well as e-transformation. Thirdly, Both Management and employees need planned technological training, platforms guidance, strategic insight and long-term vision of e-transformation to change their negative mind-set, attitude, perspective and perception to one that is positive. Finally, results from the analysis, indicated the lack of support from the management of the organization is one of the impediment indicated to affect the sustainability of transformation, organization must first realize the importance of the internal transformation dynamics prior to external factor in the path to sustained e-transformation.

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